Orange Ride
Calendar of Events
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1 event,
LongBread on Campbell
LongBread on Campbell
RV to Rancho Highlands, through neighborhoods and down Oracle. Oracle through neighborhood and then to Magee. Climb Magee past the school to the 2nd roundabout then right on N Sendero de Juana then right on Christie and down to Ina. Cross Ina and down 1st to Via Entrada. Via Entrada to Rilitto & Mountain. Mountain...
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Starbucks at Marana
Starbucks at Marana
RV, to Innovation Path to CDO. CDO to La Cholla. Up La Cholla to Magee. R on Magee/Cortero Farm past I-10 to Silverbell. R on Silverbell to Coachline. Coachline to Twin Peaks then over I-10 to the Marana Mall for coffee. Return up Twin Peaks, Tangerine, La Canada and home.
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Decibel Coffee
Decibel Coffee
RV to Innovation, Down Innovation to Tangerine, Up Tangerine to La Canada. Right on La Canada to Moore then roundabout to Moore to La Cholla. La Cholla to River Rd and the Rilitto. Right on Rilitto to intersection of Santa Cruz. Left on the Santa Cruz to Congress and over to Decibel. Return via Cumming...
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Le Buzz on Swan
Le Buzz on Swan
RV to Highland, neighborhood to Oracle, Oracle to Northern then up Magee and down to Rilitto. Rilitto to Swan then over to Le Buzz. Rtn via Rilitto and pick your exit point.
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Copper Cafe
Copper Cafe
RV to Tangerine, Tangerine to Twin Peaks to Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz and exit at the dog park. Left on Tangerine Farm Rd to Barnett then to Copper Cafe. Rtn Barnett to Postvale to Moore to Tangerine Farm Rd then turn in at the dog park to Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz to CDO and home.
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Hello Cafe and Bike Shop
Hello Cafe and Bike Shop
Rules for biking: Carry money/credit card (to buy the ride leader a cup of Joe). RV across Tangerine to RV/1st. Down 1st to Tangelo. Right at Church and through the neighborhood to Oracle. Oracle through neighborhood to Ina, Up Ina to Hacienda del Sol. Down HdelS and across River Rd. to Rilitto. Rilitto to Dodge....
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Starbucks at UofA
Starbucks at UofA
RV to Innovation bike path to CDO. CDO to I-10 and left onto Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz to St. Mary, St Mary over to University and Starbucks. Rtn via campus, Mountain, Rilitto and exit on La Cholla (or beyond) and home sweet home.
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Bisbee Breakfast Club
Bisbee Breakfast Club
Rancho Vistoso to Tangerine, west on Tangerine to Twin Peaks, south to the Santa Cruz trail, north on the trail, go under Avara Valley Road, pass the cement plant, exit the Santa Cruz Trail at the Gladden Farms Community Park. North out of the park and left onto Tangerine Farms Road to right on Barnett...
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Coffee XChange
Coffee XChange
RV to Tangelo (street at the church beyone Tangerine), Through the neighborhood to Oracle, through neighborhood to Ina. Up Ina to 1st. Down 1st. to Rilitto, Rilitto to Tanque Verde and Coffee XChange. Rtn via Kolb, Sunrise/Ina and pick your exit point.
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AJ’s up Ina
AJ’s up Ina
RV to Rancho Highlands, La Canada to Ina, Left on Ina, cross over Oracle, go behind Safeway and return to Ina and up to AJ's. Return down Campbell to Rilitto and pick your exit.
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Decibel Coffee Works
Decibel Coffee Works
RV to Innovation, Down Innovation to Tangerine, Up Tangerine to La Canada. La Canada to Moore then Moore to La Cholla. La Cholla to River and the Rilitto. Right on Rilitto to intersection of Santa Cruz. Left on the Santa Cruz to Congress and over to Decibel. Return via Cumming to University, Mountain and the...
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Starbucks at Marana via the Ritz
Starbucks at Marana via the Ritz
RV to Tangerine. Tangerine to Camino del Oeste to Moore. Moore to Dove Mtn. Up Dove Mtn then down to the turnaround park. Return to Dove Mtn and down to Starbucks at the mall. Option is to also ride up to the Ritz. Return via Twin Peaks, to Santa Cruz and on the the CDO.
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Screwbean Coffee
Screwbean Coffee
RV to CDO. CDO to I-10. Santa Cruz to Congress, Cumming to University. Univ. to Euclid and right on Euclid to 10th. Left on 10th for a few blocks to Park. Find Screwbean Coffee and enjoy. Return: back to Euclid to University then via Mountain, Via Entrada, 1st, Ina, Northern, Country Club back gate and...
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LongBread on Campbell
LongBread on Campbell
Rules for biking: Don’t ride too close to the edge of the road; you may not get noticed. RV to Innovation. Right on Innovation to Tangerine. Tangerine to RV/1st and down 1st to Oracle. Oracle to neighborhood and then to Magee. Climb Magee past the school to the 2nd roundabout then right on N Sendero...
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1 event,
Luna Cafe in Marana(Feedlot)
Luna Cafe in Marana(Feedlot)
NOTE: MARCH RIDES BEGIN AT 08:30. RV to Rancho Highland/La Canada to Tangerine. Tangerine to Twin Peaks. Down Twin Peaks to Santa Cruz. Take Santa Cruz to the end then Right on Sanders. N. on Sanders to N. Marana. West on N. Marana to Wentz Rd. R on Wentz to W. Kirby Hughes Rd. L...